Preschool Sunday School Lessons: Life of Jesus

This is a blog for my lesson planning for the Winter-Spring 2010 term of the Preschool Sunday School Class. What a joy it is to teach the kids about the life of Jesus. Previous older posts were from my bible study journalling.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lesson FOUR: Miracles of Jesus

Lesson FOUR
Jan 24 Jesus first miracle at Cana.

Playtime: stacking cups, tea party, kitchen etc

Circle Time:
Good morning, good morning with croc puppet
The More We Get Together each name
Rollie Pollie
My God is So Big
He's Able
I'm in the Lord's Army

Read: Life of Jesus plus Miracles of Jesus

Come to the table for snacktime:
Story: So Jesus went to a friend’s wedding. They had a big party and lots of food. They ran out of wine, Jesus mother asked him to fix it. So Jesus asked the servants to poor water into wine jugs, and there was wine! Imagine if you had no more juice, and your mom pours water into your cup, but you drink it and it’s juice! It’s a miracle.
wedding... demo of water into "red kool-aid"

Bible verse: John 2: 11
This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.


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